Hukum Khatan Lelaki & Wanita

Soalan : Assalamualaikum ustaz, mengenai hal berkhatan, dapatkah ustaz jelaskan secara terperinci hadis & dalil mengatakan hukum berkhatan bagi lelaki & perempuan ? Saya keliru ada mengatakan perempuan tak diwajibkan dikhatan. Adapun memberitahu perempuan dikhatankan pada bahagian yang sedikit saja.

Jawapan :


Dalil utama berkaitan ‘Khatan’ adalah

خمس من الفطرة : الختان والإستحداد وتقليم الأظافر ونتف الإبط وقص الشارب

“Lima perkara fitrah : berkhatan, mencukur bulu kemaluan, memotong kuku, mencabut bulu ketiak (cukur) dan memendekkan misai.” (Riwayat Muslim)

Pandangan para ulama dalam memahami hadith di atas terbahagi kepada tiga kumpulan :-

1) Hukumnya sunat bagi lelaki dan wanita . Ia adalah pandangan Imam Malik dalam satu riwayat, Abu Hanfiah dan sebahagian ulama mazhab Syafie.

2) Wajib bagi lelaki dan wanita . Demikian fatwa Mazhab Syafie dan kebanyakan Ulama dan juga pandangan Imam Suhnun anak murid Imam Malik,

3) Wajib bagi lelaki dan hukumnya sunat bagi wanita. Demikian sebahagian ulama Syafie, dan mazhab Hanbali.

Kesimpulan perkara, disepakati bahawa khatan bagi lelaki adalah wajib, dan jika warga lelaki satu negara semuanya tidak berkahatan, maka pemerintah perlu bertindak ke atas mereka.

Syeikh Atiyyah Saqar memberikan ijtihad beliau setelah meneliti dalil-dalil yang ada. Katanya tiada dalil yang sohih serta terlepas dari komentar yang menunjukkan wajib bagi wanita untuk berkhatan.

Syeikh Mahmud Syaltut (bekas Syeikhul Azhar) pula mengatakan bahawa para doktor berkata kesan daripada wanita tidak berkhatan adalah akan menaikkan syahwatnya dan dibimbangi mendorong kepada sesuatu yang tidak diingini.

Berkata pula Prof. Dr Md Hasan Al-Hafnawi, pakar perubatan kulit di kuliah perubatan al-Azhar dan Dr Md Sadiq selepas melihat hadith-hadith Nabi, mereka memberi pandangan dari aspek perubatan.

“Kelentit wanita (yang dipotong sebahagian jika dikhatan) yang berada di pangkal faraj wanita memberi rangsangan terkuat untuk hubungan lelaki dan wanita, dan kekuatan rangsangannya boleh mencecah 7 kali lebih sensitif dari zakar lelaki.” dan pelbagai lagi hasil kajian mereka yang tidak sempat saya terjemahkan. Di akhirnya pakar perubatan ini berkata :

“Demi menjaga maruah dan kehormatan wanita dan kewanitaannya, wajiblah kita mengikuti ajaran Islam dalam hal ini, yang terbaik bagi wanita adalah “isymam” atau memotong sedikit hujung dari kelentit.” ( Majalah, Oktober 1994)

Syeikh Dr Yusof Al-Qaradawi setelah membawakan dalil-dalil bagi kumpulan yang mewajibkan berkata, hadith-hadith dalam hal wajib khitan bagi wanita adalah lemah. Justeru khitan adalah wajib bagi lelaki sahaja, dan tidak wajib dan tidak juga sunat bagi wanita. Hanyalah harus bagi wanita, dan digalakkan jika boleh membawa kepada manfaat, dan tidak digalakkan jika sebaliknya.

Qaradawi juga berkata, setakat pengetahuannya bahawa wanita-wanita Arab kebanyakkan tidak berkhitan kecuali Mesir dan Sudan. Adapun negara Arab di Teluk dan Maghribi tiada khatan bagi wanitanya, dan ulamanya juga senyap tiada memberi komen.

Rasulullah Berkhatan

Menurut pandangan dan kajian oleh Imam Ibn Qayyim dalam kitabnya Zadul Ma’ad, pandangan yang paling tepat adalah Rasulullah  SAW di khatankan oleh Abd Mutalib pada hari ketujuh kelahiran baginda mengikut kebiasaan Arab.

Dan pandangan bahawa Rasululllah SAW dilahirkan dalam keadaaan berkhatan adalah lemah, demikian juga pandangan yang menyatakan bahawa Jibrail a.s. yang mengkhatankan baginda semasa membelah dada baginda SAW.

Sumber : disunting dari


  1. Askm…
    Mula2 nk btanya ttg khatan, tapi tfikir untuk search dulu..
    Ty abul harith, trungkai sudah kemusykilan.
    Nk tanya…kalau ada ptanyaan, cmne nk kemukakan kat sini? (sebab aku xbrapa biasa dgn blog2 ni :P.
    Kalu nak tanya direct mmg la boleh…tiap2 hari kte jumpa.)

    Abul Harith : Syukran for the compliment.

  2. Here’s another article on the importance of female circumcision in Islam.

    There exist many ahadith to show the important place, circumcision, whether of males or females, occupies in Islam.

    Among these traditions is the one where the Prophet is reported to have declared circumcision (khitan) to be sunnat for men and ennobling for women (Baihaqi). He is also known to have declared that the bath
    (following sexual intercourse without which no prayer is valid) becomes obligatory when both the circumcised parts meet (Tirmidhi). The fact that the Prophet defined sexual intercourse as the meeting of the male and female circumcised parts (khitanul khitan) when stressing on the need for the obligatory post-coital bath could be taken as pre-supposing or indicative of the obligatory nature of circumcision in the case of both males and females.

    Stronger still is his statement classing circumcision (khitan) as one of the acts characteristic of the fitra or God-given nature (Or in other words, Divinely-inspired natural inclinations of humans) such as the shaving of pubic hair, removing the hair of the armpits and the paring of nails (Bukhari) which again shows its strongly emphasized if not obligatory character in the case of both males and females. Muslim scholars are of the view that acts constituting fitra which the Prophet expected Muslims
    to follow are to be included in the category of wajib or obligatory.

    That the early Muslims regarded female circumcision as obligatory even for those Muslims who embraced Islam later in life is suggested by a tradition occurring in the Adab al Mufrad of Bukhari where Umm Al Muhajir is reported to have said: “I was captured with some girls from Byzantium. (Caliph) Uthman offered us Islam, but only myself and one other girl accepted Islam. Uthman said: ‘Go and circumcise them and purify them.’” More recently, we had Sheikh Jadul Haqq, the distinguished head of Al Azhar declaring both male and female circumcision to be obligatory religious duties (Khitan Al Banat in Fatawa Al-Islamiyyah. 1983). The fatwa by his successor Tantawi who opposed the practice cannot be taken seriously as we all know that he has pronounced a number of unislamic fatwas such as declaring bank interest halal and questioning the obligation of women wearing headdresses

    At the same time, however, what is required in Islam, is the removal of only the prepuce of the clitoris, and not the clitoris itself as is widely believed. The Prophet is reported to have told Umm Atiyyah, a lady who circumcised girls in Medina: “When you circumcise, cut plainly and do not cut severely, for it is beauty for the face and desirable for the husband” (idha khafadti fa ashimmi wa la tanhaki fa innahu ashraq li’l wajh wa ahza ind al zawj) (Abu Dawud, Al Awsat of Tabarani and Tarikh Baghdad of Al Baghdadi).

    This hadith clearly explains the procedure to be followed in the circumcision of girls. The words: “Cut plainly and do not cut severely” (ashimmi wa la tanhaki) is to be understood in the sense of removing the skin covering the clitoris, and not the clitoris. The expression “It is beauty (more properly brightness or radiance) for the face” (ashraq li’l wajh) is further proof of this as it simply means the joyous countenance of a woman, arising out of her being sexually satisfied by her husband. The idea here is that it is only with the removal of the clitoral prepuce that real sexual satisfaction could be realized. The procedure enhances sexual feeling in women during the sex act since a circumcised clitoris is much more likely to be stimulated as a result of direct oral, penile or digital contact than the uncircumcised organ whose prepuce serves as an obstacle to direct stimulation.

    A number of religious works by the classical scholars such as Fath Al Bari by Ibn Hajar Asqalani and Sharhul Muhadhdhab of Imam Nawawi have stressed on the necessity of removing only the prepuce of the clitoris and not any part of the organ itself. It is recorded in the Majmu Al Fatawa that when Ibn Taymiyyah was asked whether the woman is circumcised, he replied: “Yes we circumcise. Her circumcision is to cut the uppermost skin (jilda) like the cock’s comb.” More recently Sheikh Jadul Haqq declared that the circumcision of females consists of the removal of the clitoral prepuce (Khitan Al Banat in Fatawa Al Islamiyya.1983).

    Besides being a religious duty, the procedure is believed to facilitate good hygiene since the removal of the prepuce of the clitoris serves to prevent the accumulation of smegma, a foul-smelling, germ-containing cheese- like substance that collects underneath the prepuces of uncircumcised
    women (See Al Hidaayah. August 1997). A recent study by Sitt Al Banat Khalid ‘Khitan Al-Banat Ru’ yah Sihhiyyah’ (2003) has shown that female circumcision, like male circumcision, offers considerable health benefits, such as prevention of urinary tract infections and other diseases affecting the reproductive organs. Recent findings also conclusively prove that it prevents cystisis in women.

  3. Ass. Wr. Wb.Tanpa berniat menisbikan dalil-dalil yang ada, walau selemah apa kedudukannya dalam syariat Islam. Pun terhadap pemikiran para pakar pengubatan (medik), yang terkait dengan aplikasi moralitas. Menurut saya kita harus menempatkan betul-betul masalah secermat-cermatnya. Organ ini memang dalam domain naluri, namun manusia dilengkapi untuk keseimbangan dengan akal pikiran, yang tidak dianugerahkan Allah SWT kepada makhluk ciptaan-Nya yang lain. Mengapa kita tidak sempurnakan kekuatan pengguna akal pikiran itu bagi wanita, agar tidak dikuasai alat (organ tubuhnya) sendiri. Ingat ‘the man behind the gun’. Mari kita renungkan kembali.
    Ass. Wr.Wb.

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